A marketing services firm whose name defines us, but doesn’t straight jacket us.

Some claim the devil is in the details. So are results and profit and that makes it worth it. For our clients and us. We’re a company that actually believes in providing service, and helping you get where you want to be. By being proactive and reactive. Relying on years of experience and gut instinct. Following and breaking the rules. Being smart and sometimes just plain lucky.
But, no matter how we arrive at the destination, we’ll get you there on time and on budget.

About Us

deidre-portraitRetail Details strives to be an entrepreneurial marketing company that partners with our loyal clientele to implement measurable programs achieving a return on investment.

We treat clients like they want to be treated, and empower our dedicated and business-savvy employees to deliver high standards and accountability with each project.

Fifty-something years of collective experience doesn’t mean there are 50 RetailDetails team members.  We deliver big ideas, service and success for our clients without passing along costs to cover a big overhead.  Our core team is actually comprised of many empowered professionals, some full-time, some freelance, dedicated to achieving a mutually beneficial success for our clients and us.

We believe in being part of the team.  We can direct the marketing function for properties without onsite personnel or assist property-based marketing staffs with any short- or long-term staffing assignment.  Plus, we act as an extension of corporate marketing departments on an as-needed basis.